Posts Tagged ‘holiday’


A Guide to Merrymaking!

December 15, 2008

I love Christmas time.  And so, when I heard there was a title for doing all of the Winter Veil achievements, I got very excited!

I’ve gotten several of the achievements done already, and I figured I could try to write a handy guide for anyone trying for the Merrymaker title.

[Merrymaker] requires 12 other achievements to be completed.  Below, I have a list of these achievements and how to go about completing them.

[On Metzen!] Save Metzen the Reindeer.

You can pick up the quest for this from Kaymard Copperpinch outside of the Auction House in Orgrimmar, or Wulmort Jinglepocket outside the bank in Ironforge.  You’ll receive some ransom letters about Metzen, and the two locations you can find him.  One location is in Tanaris, in Lost Rigger Cove guarded by Southsea pirates (68, 41).  The other location is in Searing Gorge (70, 34).  In both locations, he is guarded by 4 mobs, with levels ranging from 44-47, so if you’re at a low level, you’ll probably want to bring help.  You just need to talk to Metzen and use the reindeer dust on him to save him.

[Scrooge] Throw a snowball at Cairne Bloodhoof during the Feast of Winter Veil. OR Throw a snowball at King Magni Bronzebeard during the Feast of Winter Veil.

If you’re looking for snowballs, there are a fewways to get them this time of year.  They can be purchased from Smokeywood Pastures vendors, engineers can craft a Snowmaster 9000, which turns water into snowballs.  You can also get free snowballs from the ground in Alterac Mountains, where you will have to spend some time looking for The Abominable Greench.  Be sure to pick up the quest [The Reason for the Season] from your Smokywood Pasture friends, which will lead you to talk to Cairne or Bronzebeard anyway.

[‘Tis the Season] During the Feast of Winter Veil, wear 3 pieces of winter clothing and eat Graccu’s Mince Meat Fruitcake.

This is probably one of the harder ones to complete, or at least the most expensive.  You’re going to need 3 pieces of winter clothing:

  • [Red Winter Hat] / [Green Winter Hat]: These drop from bosses in some regular (or heroic) WotLK instances.  The Red one is available from Grand Magus Telestra in The Nexus, and the Green one is available from Mage-Lord Urom in The Occulus.
  • [Red Winter Clothes] (Alliance) / [Green Winter Clothes] (Horde): Tailoring 250. This pattern can be picked up from the Smokywood Pastures vendors in Orgrimmar or Ironforge, but you may also receive it in the mail from completing the Metzen or Greench quests.  You may want to wait til after you’ve done those, so you can save yourself a bit of cash!  I recommend farming the mats rather than buying them in the Auction House, because prices will be very elevated right now.
  • [Winter Boots] : Leatherworking 250. Similar to the Clothes, these can be bought or received in the mail after doing the quests.

[Simply Abominable] Complete the quest to retrieve the stolen Smokywood Pastures’ stolen treats and receive a Smokywood Pastures’ Thank You.

You can pick up the quest for this from Kaymard Copperpinch outside of the Auction House in Orgrimmar, or Wulmort Jinglepocket outside the bank in Ironforge.  This sends you to Alterac Mountains, north of Hillsbrad Foothills, to locate a snowman (35, 72).  He’ll give you a quest to kill The Abominable Greench, which spawns every few minutes in the nearby area.  Unfortunately, you will probably not be the only one looking for him.  So here are some tips:
Check around the three spawn points: (30, 52), (29, 61) and (40, 73).  Which ever is least populated is probably the best place to wait.  He’ll spawn randomly at any of these locations.
Make a macro, and bind it to an easily spammable button.  Here is the one I used, and you can simply replace Arcane Shot with your own instant cast.

/target The Abominable Greench
/cast [exists] Arcane Shot

It’s good to team up with a few people, but keep in mind that if you are each waiting at different spawn points, it’s unlikely you will share the kill and all get the loot.  And don’t think you’ll be able to kite him to your friends, because everyone will attack him and kill him almost instantly.  In this case, it may be better to keep all your eggs in one basket.

[Bros. Before Ho Ho Ho’s] Use Mistletoe on the Horde “Brothers” during the Feast of Winter Veil. OR Use Mistletoe on the Alliance “Brothers” during the Feast of Winter Veil.

To get mistletoe, you need to /kiss at the Winter Revelers inside any of the inns in the major cities.  You can only do this once an hour, and they will give you Mistletoe, Handful of Snowflakes (needed for another achievement) or Fresh Holly.  This achievement is quite different for Alliance and Horde, so I’ll break it down.
Horde:  There are 3 brothers to find.  Unfortunately, it looks like you’ll have to have Cold Weather Flying to finish it.   Brother Malach can be found around (51,22) in Undercity, Durkot Wolfbrother can be found at (40,54) in Borean Tundra, and Brother Keltan is found on the floating ship in Icecrown.  The only way to get to this is by using your flying mount or taking the flight path that comes from a quest in Dalaran (which you can’t do until you’ve purchased Cold Weather Flying).  So here’s hoping you’re 77 before the end of the festival!
Alliance:   There are quite a few more people to visit, but getting to them is easier at least.  Here’s a list of locations, in an order recommended by someone on WoWhead:

  1. Brother Wilhelm – Goldshire near blacksmith (40.5, 65.2)
  2. Brother Kristoff – Stormwind Cathedral Square (45.8, 38.7)
  3. Brother Benjamin – Stormwind Cathedral, near pillars (41.1, 28.6)
  4. Brother Joshua – Stormwind Cathedral, end of corridor (38.7, 26.8)
  5. Brother Cassius – Stormwind Cathedral, inside the right room (43.3, 26.8)
  6. Brother Crowley – Stormwind Cathedral, entrance to right catacombs (41.0, 26.1)
  7. Brother Nimetz – Stranglethorn Vale, Rebel Camp (37.9, 3.6)
  8. Brother Karman – Theramore, with the practise dummies (67.3, 47.4)
  9. Brother Anton – Nijel’s Point, Desolace on the balcony of the inn(66.5, 7.8)

[He Knows If You’ve Been Naughty] Open one of the presents underneath the Winter Veil tree once they are available.

The presents aren’t available until the morning of December 25th, however, they will continue to be available until the end of the festival, January 2nd.  So you don’t have to log in Christmas day to get this.  If you still have a present from the previous year, I’ve heard you can open that and get the achievement.

[With a Little Helper from My Friends] Earn 50 honorable kills as a Little Helper from the Winter Wondervolt machine.

The Winter Wondervolt machines can be found outside of Ogrimmar and Ironforge, as well as in the centre of Dalaran.  The costume doesn’t persist through death, and bad news for Feral Druids:  It is canceled when you shape shift.  But 50 honorable kills are pretty easy to come by over 2 weeks if you just put on the costume and hop in an AV queue.  Be sure to keep an eye out for any of the race/class combinations for Let it Snow!

[Fa-la-la-la-Ogri’la] Complete the Bomb Them Again! quest while mounted on a flying reindeer during the Feast of Winter Veil.

Pretty simple if you’ve done the [Bomb Them Again!] from Ogri’la.  You’ll need to get your hands on some Preserved Holly which can be obtained from the quest to save Metzen the Reindeer, and afterward can be bought from the quest giver for 5 gold and 1 deeprock salt.  These also are not Bind on Pickup, so you can trade them.  If you haven’t done the pre-Ogri’la quests, you’ll have to do those first, they start at Mog’dorg the Wizened.  Note:  You will also need to have a real flying mount to turn this in.  Sorry again, druids!  However, you do NOT have to be on a reindeer when you actually do the quest – you just need to be on a flying reindeer when you turn it in.

[Crashin’ & Thrashin’] Gain 25 crashes with your Crashin’ Thrashin’ Racer during the Feast of Winter Veil.

When the presents under the Christmas tree are unlocked on the 25th of December, you’ll have a chance to get one of these from the gifts.  Like the Clockwork Robot of last year.  However, it’s got a very familiar look to it…

[Let It Snow] During the Feast of Winter Veil, use a Handful of Snowflakes on each of the race/class combinations listed below.

You can get Handfuls of Snowflakes by doing a /kiss to a Winter Reveler in any major inn.  There is a chance at getting Mistletoe or Fresh Holly as well, which will be useful anyway.  You can only do this once an hour, so be sure to hit the inn as often as you can to get enough!  This achievement can be completed in towns, including sanctuaries, so hang around the other faction’s side of the city if you want to watch out for some of those combinations.  You can also do this in arenas and battlegrounds, which is a bit more of a challenge!  Speaking as a Troll Hunter, I’m looking forward to having snowflakes constantly floating over my head!

[The Winter Veil Gourmet] During the Feast of Winter Veil, use your culinary expertise to produce a Gingerbread Cookie, Egg Nog and Hot Apple Cider.

This will require you to have at least a 325 cooking skill.  The three recipes are available, like any of the other holiday patterns, either by purchasing them from the Smokywood vendors or as a random quest reward in the mail.  The only mat for these that you cannot buy in your home city is Small Eggs.  For Horde, I recommend taking a quick trip to Thunder Bluff and searching around Mulgore for Swoops and Plainstriders, or to Eversong Woods to kill Dragonhawks.  You can pick up a few pretty quickly.  For Alliance, head to Darkshore where you can find a camp of Owlkin as well as Plainstriders who will drop these for you.  Please do not buy them on the Auction House.  Price gouging is not cool.  Also, note that you can’t get the achievement by just having these items or by eating/drinking them.  You need to actually craft them!  If you would like to finish the Treats for Greatfather Winter quest at the same time, you’ll need to pick up at least 6 eggs.

[A Frosty Shake] During the Feast of Winter Veil, use your Winter Veil Disguise kit to become a snowman and then dance with another snowman in Dalaran.

The Winter Veil Disguise Kit is a reward from completing the Stolen Treats quest, to kill the Abominable Greench (this will also get an achievement in itself).  It’s not a direct reward, but you will receive it in the mail shortly after completing the quest.  I’m sure there will be congregations of dancing snowmen in the Dalaran bank, that’s probably your best chance of finding another one.  You can get to Dalaran by mage portal or warlock summon if you are below level 74.

Hope this could help you on your way to becoming a Merrymaker!  Happy Winter Veil to all!